
Anastasia Kovaleva is a Polish artist whose primary medium is natural materials, in particular, pressed flowers. While much of her work is abstract collage, she also creates portraits, animal imagery, and landscapes. Her pieces are romantic and whimsical, and a fun alternative to more traditional mediums. Each piece is exquisitely crafted with love and attention to detail. She is a repeat winner of international pressed flower art competitions in Japan, South Korea, and the United States.

Anastasia Kovaleva


There is an undeniable link between humanity and nature. Artists have used nature as inspiration since the very beginning of our existence and we can see the importance of our relationship with the natural world throughout history. We are responsible for protecting the beautiful world we were given and all the living things we share it with. Henry Matisse said, “An artist must possess nature. He must identify himself with her rhythm, by efforts that will prepare the mastery which will later enable him to express himself in his own language.” I not only draw inspiration from the natural world but I really on what it gives me for every aspect of my work. I use dried plants, seeds, foliage, and many other natural materials for creating my floral collages. My goal is to show people that something very ordinary, something they might walk by every day without noticing, can become a work of art, art that inspires people to be passionate about the plants I love so much. Botanical art is a way to show not only a great variety of plants, their beauty, and unique features but the significance of ecologically sustainable development of our planet. Through my artworks, I want to engage audiences on the importance of biodiversity, rise their awareness about ecological problems, and learn to take care of our world. To be sustainable and live well, I believe, we must learn to reconnect.


Anastasia Kovaleva
Anastasia Kovaleva
Anastasia Kovaleva