
Artist Statement:

I am an Iranian visual artist, based currently in Berlin, who specializes in intricate motifs of traditional fabrics, mosaics and patterns, often set against images of the naked body.

My messages are of contrasts and opposites, duality and identity. I aim for subtle layering in my works which - despite dealing with the harsh realities of war and religious or government oppression - remain aesthetically pleasing.

In the last six years, my work has taken on a predominant style of figurative realism; my preferred materials being acrylic and oil on fine linen or canvas. I usually begin by conceptualizing an idea, then set about taking many photos of my subject and edit them to create a final image for painting.



Nasim Pachi spent the first two decades of her life growing up in Iran - a country she feels passionate yet conflicted about and still calls her home. Her education, marriage and career have since moved her around Europe, West Africa and Southeast Asia.

Life on several different continents revealed her that people and their actions are as complicated beyond Iran’s borders as inside of them. The social, cultural and political paradoxes she encounters are her creative fuel. Fascinated by people and the choices they make, Nasim is continuously assessing her own identity and trying to understand how her upbringing and travels continue to mold it. She challenges her audience to comprehend the contrasts she presents in her aesthetically rich portraits.

Exploring freedom and identity confronting culture and religion she places her subjects against bold patterns and tries to strip identifying elements from her works.

Nasim received her Masters of Arts in Illustration form HAW Hamburg, Germany.

She currently lives in Berlin, Germany.


