As the holiday season approaches, as artists, we find themselves presented with a unique opportunity. The festive spirit, coupled with a culture of gift-giving, makes it an ideal time for a new mini-collection release. If you're looking to find new intro collectors for your work or bring in some additional revenue to your studio practice, why not host a holiday sale of smaller or affordable works? Chances are, your new collectors may start with a print or a smaller work and make their way to larger more investment pieces.

Here's a guide to help artists gear up for a prosperous holiday sale:

Get Ready Before November

The run-up to the holiday season can be a whirlwind, with many unexpected challenges. Starting your preparation before November ensures you'll have ample time not only to create but also to tackle logistical aspects like shipping and packaging. The early bird truly does get the worm in this scenario. Now, from experience, I encourage you to choose smaller work that doesn't take you months to create. It's great if you can start planning earlier, but even in October to mid-November, you have time to make a few pieces to share with your community.

Plan Your Collection Wisely

Considering the season's busy nature, avoid getting into your most labor-intensive projects. Instead, focus on creating pieces that beautifully capture your essence without demanding excessive hours. For me, it was small works on paper that took me a few hours to make (but I enjoyed the process and have it as part of my studio practice, or small oil paintings.) Find something more enjoyable and less time-consuming if possible.

Curate Thoughtfully

Aim for a cohesive theme. Collectors love a cohesive viewing experience so try to focus your attention on a particular subject, color palette, or idea so that the works are intentional and pleasurable to look at in your online shop.

Focus on the Affordable Art (For Now)

Introduce limited edition or more affordable works, which can appeal to a broader audience on the hunt for unique holiday gifts. You can still have a few larger or premium artworks for art enthusiasts and serious collectors if they inquire, but keep the shop curated for the holidays during this time.

Prioritize Quality Over Quantity

Less is more when it comes to selling original art. Not everything we create is our best work, so choose thoughtful pieces that you are proud of that flow together.

Strategize Promotion

Employ platforms like social media, email newsletters, and your official website to generate buzz about your upcoming collection. Build anticipation by offering sneak peeks on your Instagram posts and stories, discussing your inspiration, or even sharing your creation process.

Introduce Special Offers or Bundles

Consider crafting holiday-special deals. Bundling smaller pieces with signed prints and stickers, or offering limited-time free shipping can be tempting for potential buyers. Do not discount your original artwork; keep your pricing consistent.

Elevate the Packaging Experience

An exceptional unboxing experience can leave a lasting impression. Invest in secure, aesthetic packaging that not only safeguards the artwork but also elevates the entire purchase experience for the buyer. You can buy packing materials on Amazon or Uline. Add a thank-you card as a special gesture.

Organize the Logistics

Decide on vital logistical aspects well in advance, whether it's related to international shipping, return policies, or exchanges. Clear communication of these policies to prospective buyers is paramount. Write what your clients can expect in terms of shipping dates and times on your shop page or under FAQs on your website.

Allocate Time for Shipping and Packing

The holiday season sees a surge in shipments, which can lead to delays. Factor in this added shipping time and ensure your artwork reaches its new home in pristine condition and in time for the holidays.

In conclusion, the holiday season can be a wonderful opportunity for artists with the right planning and strategy. Keep the essence of the holidays in mind, ensure quality, and engage with your audience, and you're set for a successful and profitable season.

Want to learn the basics of selling art from the studio? Join Kat's affordable self-study workshop Sell From The Studio and get the blueprint you need to get started today!