
Hee Jung Han is a visual artist living and working in South Korea. She studied at the Art Center College of Design graduating with a BA Fine Art, followed by studied at Otis College of Art and Design how to navigate her practice
in the areas of painting and installation.

Always curious about finding the truth that can never be expressed in incomplete language, she paid attention to the borderline created when 'I' and ‘the other’ meet and communicate with each other. Beyond that borderline, there always exists a very different world full of curiosity which is neither 'my will’ nor 'your will', neither truth nor lies, real nor fake, and this ever-changing landscape reminds her that the definition of the truth she knows and/or understands can maybe meaningless.

"Pli 001" by Hee Jung Han


Landscape of Pli
My series is a process of exploring the 'multiplicity' inherent in humans living in the hyper-connected era where truth and lies, real and fake, right or wrong are mixed. To this, To do this, I create new art by transforming the originals to develop the concept of wrinkles (hereinafter as 'Pli') mentioned by Gilles Deleuze who explored the metaphysical relationship between ‘repetition’ and ‘difference’.

Driven by the desire to contextualize this concept of Pli, I use the fragments obtained from deconstructing my figurative paintings to create art that reinvents narrative and redefines meaning. For this, the collage technique was used dynamically and the fragments of various shapes extracted from the original are placed in reverse front and back, the inside and outside are flipped, and the visible becomes invisible.
Many Plis, stacked on top of each other, are irregularly warped, jagged and connected layer by layer. This multi-layered landscape is filled with ambiguous images of fragmented memories or senses, sometimes appearing like a thousand-year-old plateau where layers of time have been piled up.

To complete the psychological landscape of the abyss, dynamic energy is injected here through the careful use of saturated technicolor elements. Images that have absorbed color finally seem to come alive across the layers, then emerge as an illusion, and then suddenly lose their shape due to different layers or play as a different image than before. But they don't come together to create a single narrative.
Through this approach, I try to show a journey in which images of multiplicity are connected to each other and repeat explications and implications creating another difference, and then re-creating themselves as something new. Above all, every image that completes the “Landscape of Pli” is as fluid like water, allowing for multiple interpretations, inviting viewers to peel back the many layers and will discover hidden message underneath in the end : "I know that I know nothing."

"Pli 005" by Hee Jung Han
"Pli 006" Hee Jung Han
"Pli 007" by Hee Jung Han
"Pli 008" by Hee Jung Han
"Pli 012" by Hee Jung Han
"Pli 013" by Hee Jung Han
"Pli 014" by Hee Jung Han