
Originally from south Louisiana and currently living in Dallas, I’m a mixed media artist working in collage combined with other media like paint, graphite, ink, and colored pencil. I take these elements and construct a new reality: one that’s been living in my mind for most of my life. A lot of the paper ephemera I use in my work is decades old. That weathered, aged quality brings an element of time to my work. I’m constantly exploring non-linear time, a way of looking at the world from a different vantage point and coaxing those elements and ideas into interesting stories. My work has become more personal in the past few years, an exploration of my conscious and subconscious mind as it relates to my personal experiences.

I received my BFA from the University of Louisiana in 1988, with a degree in Advertising Design. I’ve shown my work in art fairs and galleries here in Dallas, as well as New York, Los Angeles, Fort Worth and Louisiana. My work has also been published in national and international art magazines.

Collage by Glen Gauthier
Collage by Glen Gauthier
Collage by Glen Gauthier
Collage by Glen Gauthier
Collage by Glen Gauthier
Collage by Glen Gauthier
Collage by Glen Gauthier
Collage by Glen Gauthier
Collage by Glen Gauthier