Brittany Minnes, Painting

Brittany Minnes lived in NYC for 13 years but is now residing with her fiancé Darrell and future mother in law in PA.

She turned a spare bedroom into an art studio and paints every single day.  She drew so much of her inspiration from living in the bustling city but is enjoying a slower pace while she and her fiancé are still looking for the perfect place to call home.  

Brittany takes her love for fashion, color, and design and creates quirky & whimsical acrylic paintings. The usual subjects of her acrylic paintings are very stylish women. Brittany’s fascination with current beauty standards and fashion trends is evident throughout her work. Her range of skill is vast and even though her main body of work is a chic representation of the modern stylish woman, she also creates more abstract works that she describes as “deconstructed beauty,” painting Picasso-Esque faces that are a mix of realistic and abstract.

In her newest series, she takes the concept of beauty to another level, highlighting the varied beauty standards across cultures and times throughout history and merging a mix of them into one disjointed but also aesthetically pleasing image. She wants the viewer to create their own interpretation of the paintings as beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Because Brittany loves to imagine her own clothing and textile designs coming to life, she incorporates her personal ideas for clothing designs and the textiles she imagines, into her paintings.

You can find her own fashion designs weaved throughout her paintings, mixing her original designs with well-known brands.  Her keen eye and sense of style have lead her to collaborate with luxury brands as well as stylists and photographers in NYC and LA. | @brittanyminnesart | Painting




